CBS11 News of Dallas-Fort Worth reported in early December 2019 that thousands of customers’ credit card information may have been accessed by an unauthorized party during a data breach to the City’s water system. The breach affected customers who paid their water bills online between late August and late October of 2019. The third party vendor that supplies the payment portal suffered a cybersecurity breach that directly affected DFW water customers.

The customers were notified, the malicious code was found and removed, and the City has offered to pay fora year of credit monitoring for all affected customers.

Read the full CBS article here.

Both physical and cybersecurity breaches can and do occur in water facilities, especially in those that have not adequately evaluated the risks and hazards to their facilities and protected against them. Read more about how AARC Consultants can help your water utility comply with the America’s Water Infrastructure Act 2018 and avoid data breaches that could compromise customer trust and security.